
Analysing a Company’s External Environment

This course will teach you how to significantly increase the chances of business survival and plan for uncertainty

Learn how to use external environment analysis to:

  • Determine dominant economic features using PESTEL analysis
  • Evaluate the sources of competition in your industry using Porters Five Forces of Competiton
  • Understand the factors that are driving change in your industry

Plus, how to:

  • Establish the market positions of competitors using Strategic Group Analysis
  • Establish the Key Success Factors in an industry to guarantee success
  • Summarise your analysis and establish a solid Industry Outlook

Businesses that navigate with certainty increase their chances of survival tenfold. By the end of the program you will:

  • Have the skills and the templates to understand the external factors that influence profitability of a business
  • Have the training and templates to be able to clearly articulate the Key Success Factors required in an industry to be successful.
  • Have the confidence to evaluate changes in an industry and focus on future impacts of environmental factors.
  • Have the templates and knowledge to determine the position of key competitors and craft effective offensive and defensive strategies.

Delivery Method

Online Webinar: Three two hour sessions

Live: 1 full day event

Support Mentoring, review and critiquing: Monthly individual sessions 3 months

Analysing External Environment 1

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