
Business Growth strategies tool for medium size businesses business consultants

Helping Businesses Grow & Unlock Their True Potential

StratPlan Business Growth strategies tool for medium size businesses offers business consultants a good range of critical analytical tools and planning concepts, and is a solid option for small-to-medium-sized businesses operating in virtually any industry. StratPlan is also the first strategic planning software that provides meaningful outputs that enables managers, business owners & CEOs to craft realistic strategic plans that are distinctly achievable. StratPlan is only compatible with Windows however a version for Mac computers will not be too far off.

While StratPlan offers many of the industry's tried-and-tested strategic planning analytical tools – such as Balanced Scorecard, Porter 5 Forces, PESTLE, SWOT, KSF etc., commonly used by many large organisations, it stands out for its time-saving pre-input principles and 'click-to-add' feature.

This feature allows users to input facts, principles and strategies by on their own data or intelligence bringing strategic thinking into any business.

StratPlan guides strategic thinking in any business as it incorporates a unique five step framework that follows a logical process to planning. It then allows users to interrogate their industry, including their competitors and thereafter select from its extensive database of strategies to suite the company's vision, mission and strategic objectives.

It creates a strategic map, strategic plan and also has a nifty monitoring & tracking dashboard that allows managers, business owners and CEOs to initiate corrective adjustments in light of actual experience, changing conditions, new ideas, and new opportunities.

Unlike other strategic planning software tools, StratPlan is designed with simplicity and ease of use and because of it desktop-based system it is as easy to install, as it is to update or remove. The software also allows users to print or save plans to a personal drive which avoids the software itself hosting trade secrets.

Although StratPlan includes many useful features, it falls a little short in a few areas. It doesn't run on Mac and it is not built to integrate with existing software systems.

The developers built the software as a standalone tool because of owners and CEOs reluctance to share trade secrets with general employees or just allowing their business roadmap falling in the wrong hands. If you do not plan on keeping the software in your business, the outputs are encrypted meaning that if you wanted to amend your plan, you wouldn't be able to without StratPlan. This is another security feature of StratPlan.

StratPlan Business Growth strategies tool for medium size businesses offers business consultants a cost effective and highly efficient way of planning growth and efficiency strategies.

Whilst is isn't as glamourous or project management oriented as most other programs, it has a lot of useful features and tools that appeals to a wide range of businesses. It also rates as the best program for small & medium businesses at its highly affordable price.