Whether you are running a business or want to become a small business consultant, crafting and executing strategy are the heart and soul of managing a business. Every business, regardless of type or size, must have a clear picture of where it is headed and how it is going to get there. Equally, planning and navigating uncertainty is the new business norm. In this course you be introduced to an overview of the ins and outs of developing and executing company strategies.
Learning Outcomes
By the time you have reached the end of this short course, you should be able to:
- Understand why it is critical for business owners to have a clear strategic vision of where a company needs to head and why
- Understand the importance of setting both strategic and financial objectives
- Understand why the strategic initiatives taken at various organisational levels must be tightly coordinated to achieve company-wide performance targets
- Become aware of what a company must do to achieve operating excellence and to execute strategy proficiently
- Become aware of the role and responsibility of a company’s business owner in overseeing the strategic management process
What’s in this course?
Chapter 1: Developing a strategic vision, mission and values. This chapter is made up of three lessons. It introduces developing a strategic vision that charts a company’s long term direction, a mission statement that describes the company’s purpose, and a set of core values to guide the pursuit of the vision and mission.
Chapter 2: Setting objectives. Every business must set objectives. This chapter is made up of two lessons and introduces measuring a company’s performance and tracking its progress in moving in the intended direction.
Chapter 3: Crafting a strategy to achieve the objectives. This chapter is made up of three lessons. You will learn the fundamentals of crafting strategy to move the company along the strategic course that the business owner has chartered and achieve its objectives.
Chapter 4: Implementing and executing the chosen strategy efficiently and effectively. This chapter is made up of one lesson. It teaches you about executing the chosen strategy efficiently and effectively.
Chapter 5: Evaluating performance and making corrective adjustments. The chapter is made up of one lesson. It teaches you about monitoring developments, evaluating performance, and initiating corrective adjustments in the company’s vision and mission statement, objectives, strategy, or approach to strategy execution in light of actual information, changing conditions, new ideas and new opportunities.
Chapter 6: Test Your Knowledge: At the end of this course, you will be given an online quiz made up of multiple choice questions. To Pass this course, you will need to achieve a minimum of 80%.