
Julian Gray | Febuary 03, 2021 | 3 min read


Marketing Automation Software is an essential part of digital marketing in this era. It is designed to assist digital marketers in attracting new consumers, enhance marketing tactics, and keep track of lead success. Marketing Automation Tools are more commonly used by B2C and B2B organizations looking to expand their businesses. The majority often misunderstands the term marketing automation. Entrepreneurs often mistake it as simply digital marketing. On the contrary, it is more than just sponsoring ads or sending emails. In this article, we will be discussing everything you need to know about marketing automation software.

Basic Features of Marketing Automation Tools

Understanding the features of marketing automation software will give you a better understanding of marketing automation as a whole. Here are some basic functions of these tools.

  1. Email Automation

Email is perhaps one of the oldest ways of marketing. To this date, it is still widely preferred for reaching consumers personally. Marketing automation software uses email to connect to the target audience directly. Advanced algorithms of marketing automation tools make it easier to send emails automatically to a custom audience. These emails are sent once a consumer fills a form or registers their account on any online platform. The best part about the combination of email marketing with automation is that these emails are far from being considered spam, unlike old school marketing emails.

  1. Tracking Leads

Marketing automation tools also give marketers an upper hand over generating and keeping track of leads. It assists them in several ways to attract potential prospects and making them loyal customers for life. This includes carefully analyzing prospect behaviour, reaching the right audience, and providing them with the right intriguing content. Generating leads is where this procedure starts. Marketing Automation tools handle almost every task of a digital marketer in terms of nurturing leads.

  1. Social Media Management

Social media is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing. No business in this era can succeed without having an online presence. Marketing automation software handles all social media marketing activities. This includes managing all social media accounts from a single interface, scheduling posts, interacting with the audience, responding to consumer queries, and much more. Marketing automation software built solely for the purpose of social media management can do wonders for small and newly commenced businesses. It can help them establish a notable online presence.

  1. Analytics

One of the biggest advantages marketers get out of marketing automation tools is analyzing reports. Being able to examine which part of a marketing strategy is working or not is truly a heavy benefit. Marketers can keep track of their tactics and thoroughly analyze which approach attracts consumers the most. Poorly performing content can be made better once a report gives you an idea of ROI and conversion rates. This helps in measuring the success of a strategy and implementing further improvements if needed.

  1. Digital Advertising

Whether paid or organic, marketing automation tools also cover SEO, advertisements, and other similar marketing approaches. Sponsoring your content on digital platforms becomes way easier with marketing automation. Marketers can reach a custom target audience that would most likely be interested in the business’s product or service. Keeping up with your competitors and standing out as a brand on the internet falls in the subcategory of SEO, which automation takes care of as well.


Marketing automation tools are getting more common day by day. Small and new businesses are opting for automation marketing to step up into the market. The demand for marketing software is set to rise in this decade even more. We will likely see much better and advanced features from marketing automation in the years to come.

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