
Arafat Saheed | GBC | 3 min Read


The Global Pandemic has changed our lives more than ever. Especially for those living in big cities working remotely was never this common as it is now. However, working from home has its own challenges and distractions. For many transitioning, Remote workers are not at ease, and it is hard to tackle the challenges that come with working from home., whilst others would like nothing less than making Remote Working a permanent feature. This article will discuss five tips or recommendations from successful remote workers to help you improve your performance and be successful in working from home.

Communicate expectations with anyone who will be at home with you

The first thing that should be very clear about when working from home is the probability of success of a certain Startup and what expectations he/she has. The most reliable people to discuss those ideas are with family members who play a critical role in making working from home easier. Discussing things with them provides a rather wider outlook regarding the motivation required to work from home, provision of different ideas, pros and cons of a business plan, availability of resources and their utilization, advice regarding investments, and positive, constructive criticism that will help to accept rejection, leading to an improved quality of work.

Take clear breaks

Working from home comes with the advantage that a person is allowed to work in a rather comfortable work environment with no such disturbances. This leads to them working at a consistent rate, often for hours, without taking any breaks. This could also be a result of overcompensating to demonstrate to an employer your effectiveness of working from home. Working consistently may lead to timely completion of tasks; however, it takes a toll on one’s health as well as on creative capability. Taking regular breaks during work hours not only freshens up the mind, new and innovative ideas also come to mind adding to the variety and quality of things a business is already offering.

Interact with other humans

Work from home often leads to a person working in isolation. Interaction with other people decreases to a point where days pass without any human interactions. Interaction with others, friends or not, is essential to every aspect of our health and not forgetting that social interaction is proven to just make us happier. Social interaction is also known to spark creativity through alternate perspectives. These perspectives then help you create things that people with different mindsets can relate to, increasing your clientele. Discussion with people also gives you an idea about the latest trends and the public’s opinion regarding those trends, and this will help you create products and services that go with the trends.

Start Career as a freelancer

Many experts suggest that one way to start working from home is to start working as a freelancer. This allows you to introduce your work in an established marketplace allowing you to know the potential market size and competition. You can start working with minimum setup costs as at the beginning you only want to showcase your work, and once you have a reasonable audience and a steady clientele, you can gradually expand to a sustainable income position. Many people who are successfully working from home nowadays started freelancing, which helped to kick start their careers.

Start a home business.

Work from home does not mean that you can only work for an employer or as a part time freelancer. If you have a skill for example cooking, sewing, baking, makeup, art, craft, etc., you can establish your own setup and start a home business. All sorts of marketing and promotion can be done using social media, and supply chains can be made through different facilities that are on offer. You can start with a small investment and gradually increase as demand for your product or service grows.

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