
By Alex. S


Strategic planning is essential for the success of a business.  This is not the same as standard business planning as it must be borne out of your company’s mission, vision and values, combined with out-of-the-box thinking. It also charts the direction you desire your business to go but might not tell how to get there. Anyway, similar to other “travel plans” it is a fruitless effort to determine how to get to a place if you do not know where you are heading to. Strategic plans helps you know where your company is heading.


It is sometimes confused as business operation plans; these are the dreams a business owner has for his business. Just as blueprint serves as “how” to construct something so does strategic planning serve as the “design” of a business. Strategic plan shows the end product or final result.


Compared to business planning, there is no specific way to establish a feasible strategic planning. The only way to do so is by definition and brainstorming. Strategic planning has to do with “feel” and at the same time also depend on management science. Creating a perfect strategic plan does not have a specific way as long as it depends on out-of-the-box thinking and creativity.

Use SWOT Analysis

SWOT means: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. One of the best ways that would help you get ready to create a strategic plan is through analysis. These four components are very important if your business would succeed.



Strategies Equal Methods

The major importance of strategic planning is to help you define patterns on how to achieve your set goals. Although it is easily overlooked in smaller businesses, strategic thinking makes it possible for you to come up with a way to achieve your set goals.

Strategy Defines Action

Although it is very important to have a business plan for your business to grow, it becomes useless if they are not acted upon. Another importance of it is that, it instigates natural action plans which is as result of identifying your preferred strategy. Aside vision, mission and dreams that strategic planning deals with it as well breaks down your action plan which would enable you to get want you really want.


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Absolutely. Just sharing some experience that we hope you’ll find useful. Keep us in mind next time you have strategic planning questions.



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